Ghostface is back and it could be anybody under his KNIFE!

The Masked killer is back, and it could be anybody on his chopping board! Blood-curdling horror-thriller Scream trailer of the 5th installment of the franchise is already making news.

It will be the first movie of the Scream series since the demise of the mastermind of the slasher horror Wes Craven. Directed by Matt B
ettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett and screenplay written by James Vanderbilt and Guy Busick.


Not just Ghostface that's back, Scream veterans Courteney Cox, David Arquette, Neve Campbell, and Marley Shelton reprise their roles, even if the decision wasn't easy for everyone.

The mega-blood-shedding horror was an emotional experience for the actors. Campbell told EW in a recent interview; “I genuinely was in two minds, the idea of making these films without Wes Craven seemed challenging to me. I loved the man very much.”


In a glimpse of the trailer, a brutal killer starts his heinous act of target killing a specific group of people directly linked to some killers. Who are the original killers? Why would Ghostface kill innocent people? Eager to know? Just 3- months to go, Jan 14, 2022, is the release date. 


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